Recent appointments and successes of Detlef's students
If any of Detlef's students would like to be mentioned on this site, please get in touch via the contact page or by email:
Anders Nilsson
1st Concertmaster - Royal Opera Stockholm
Camille Gouton
Tutti - Gewandhaus Orchester Leipzig
Hugo Hilde
Leader 2nd Violins - Radio Orchestra Oslo
Camilla Kjøll
1st Concertmaster - Luzerner Symphony Orchestra
Aischa Gündisch
Tutti - London Symphony Orchestra
Mari Halvorsen
Guest Concertmaster - Oslo Opera House
Iain Gibbs
Tutti - Welsh National Opera
Aisha Syed
Aisha's performance of Paganini's La Campanella was voted by the editors of BBC Radio 3 to be included in their list of "Performing Miracles"
Alexandre Khatiskatsi
Alexandre gave the first performance of Henning Sommorro's Violin Concerto with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Yi Yang
Yi - 3rd Concertmaster of the Oslo Radio Orchestra - will perform Prokoffief's Violin Concerto in G Minor on November 9th 2017 with the NRK (to be released under the NRK record label)